
Wishlist from Tidestore

marți, octombrie 28, 2014

Cu toate ca mai avem putin si trecem in noiembrie, ultima luna de toamna, vremea s-a racit considerabil, asa ca deja am scos din cutii cizmele si mi-am pregatit hainele groase si calduroase. Bineinteles ca mi-am facut si o lista cu noi produse, pe care mi le doresc in aceasta iarna. 

En: Even though we have a few days and we are in November, the last month of autumn, the weather has cooled considerably, so I already pulled out my boots and my warm clothes. Of course I want new clothes for this winter, so I already made a wishlist.

Sunt deja cativa ani de cand prefer cumparaturile online, atat in materie de haine, cat si de cosmetice. Este mult mai simplu si convenabil. Nu achizitionez orice, exclusiv online, ci mai strabat si magazinele, dar nu imi cumpar ceva decat daca imi doresc prea mult acel lucru si nu am rabdare sa astept. Dar, de cele mai multe ori, prefer sa caut online. deoarece pretul este mult mai avantajos, chiar daca dureaza cateva zile sau saptamani pana cand ajunge obiectul respectiv. 

ENI prefer online shopping for clothes and cosmetics for years. It is much easier and convenient. I don't buy everything exclusively online, especially when I found in a store something that I wish so much and I don't have the patience to wait too much. But most of the times, I prefer to search online because the price is more advantageous, even if it takes several days or weeks until that object arrive to me.

De putin timp, am descoperit un nou site strain, unde gasim foarte multe haine frumoase. Acesta este Tidestore. Au si o categorie de haine cu livrare gratuita. 

A few days ago, I discovered a new foreign website, where we can find many beautiful clothes. The website is called Tidestore. Here we can find a lot of beautiful clothes, shoes and accessories. There is also a category of clothing with free delivery, right here: http://www.tidestore.com/Korean-Clothing-Free-Shipping/

Today I want to recommend to you some pieces of clothing from Tidestore: 




Sweater Dresses

Nu uitati sa verificati pagine si de Black Friday, deoarece vor avea reduceri tentante! 
Do not forget to check out the page in Black Friday: http://www.tidestore.com/h/Black-Friday-4/, beacause they will have tempting discounts!


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5 comentarii

  1. rochitele sunt foarte simpatice. desi sunt mai mult adepta rochiilor lungi atunci and vine vorba despre eleganta, imi plac cele alese de tine. :)

  2. Multumesc! Si eu aleg rochii lungi atunci cand merg la o nunta, dar ziua prefer ceva scurt ;)

  3. Very nice picks for autumn!
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  4. imi poti spune te rog in cat timp iti vine comanda si daca trebuie sa platesti inainte?


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