I'm back :) + a special song for u ♥

vineri, aprilie 27, 2012

Buna dragele mele! Stiu ca am disparut destul de multe zile, dar pur si simplu nu am mai avut forta si timp sa scriu ceva pe blog. Au trecut sarbatorile de Paste si am fost destul de ocupata cu pregatirile, apoi a urmat o perioada cand am fost racita, iar acest lucru m-a lasat fara forta si fara chef de nimic. La serviciu am avut destul de multa treaba (nu cred ca v-am spus, dar eu lucrez in contabilitate si a fost inchidere de luna), iar seara cand ajungeam acasa nu vroiam decat sa stau in pat si sa ma odihnesc. Chiar daca mi-a fost foarte tare dor de blogging, am zis sa iau cateva zile pauza. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu v-am urmarit in continuare :). 
Oricum, am inceput sa ma simt mai bine si de acuma planuiesc sa-mi reiau activitatea, cu noi forte si idei. Mai ales ca am multe lucruri planificate si multe obiective, pe care sper sa le indeplinesc incetul cu incetul. 

Pentru inceput va las cu o melodie care imi este foarte draga ♥ de la o actrita si o cantareata deosebita - Bethany Joy Lenz (Haley James Scott din One Tree Hill ♥) I just love her :)

Here I am
Red high heels
Yellow dress
Perfect nails
Lips like velvet
Don't you want me, baby

I've been here and back again
It never answers anything
Where was I when they handed out the knowing you are loved

Don't it get lonely out there, little darling
Well come on home
I'll be here with open arms
To hold you
When you arrive
I'll be here with open arms
To show you
Where you belong
If you're missing come on home

Been undone
I've seen it all
Still somehow I refuse to kick this carnivore to the wall
Traveled here a thousand years
It's a wonder my heart stills heals and beats and feels
It does anything at all

Don't it get lonely out there, little darling
Well come on home
I'll be here with open arms
To hold you
When you arrive
I'll be here with open arms
To show you
Where you belong
If you're missing come on home

Don't it get lonely out there, little darling
Well come on home
I'll be here with open arms
To hold you
When you arrive
I'll be here with open arms
To show you
Where you belong
If you're missing come on home

Hugs & Kisses ♥
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